If you haven’t got acres of space in the bedroom, you’ll need to think through carefully the items you include in the room, but also the layout, such as where to place items and so on. With these hints and tips, you’ll get the best layout for your rustic furniture that doesn’t cramp bedroom space or style.
Choosing the best size
The luxury of a king size bed is not to be underestimated (or super king bed!) but if this eats into the bedroom space too much, it can feel cramped. Of course, if you are willing to sacrifice floor space for a statement king size wooden bed frame, go for it!
But, bed size is important if you want to fit in other items of furniture in the bedroom and be able to use the space easily and comfortably, so you may wish to consider a twin bed or a double.
At the end of the bed, you need about half metre between it and the wall to be able to move past it with ease. At either side of the bed, you’ll need about 60cm. This allows free movement but also space for when you sit on the edge of the bed. It also means you can fit in a bedside table at either side of the bed, essential for storing items, as well as a lamp.
For two beds, a half-metre gap between the two is recommended, again for comfort and accessibility.
Styling tricks
Sometimes the things we add contribute to the bedroom feeling smaller than it actually is. Adding detail without clutter is key, which is why these stylish tips will help a bedroom feel bigger. Opt for reclaimed wood furniture such as an oak bed that has a low headboard. A large headboard ‘swallows’ wall space, something that will impact on how big or small the room feels.
Having said that, a tall chest of drawers could work in a space such as a small recess that would otherwise be unused, wasted space.
Measure and measure again – wardrobes
Choosing wooden wardrobes for smaller bedrooms can be problematic. On one hand, you need plenty of usable clothes storage but on the other, you don’t want a wardrobe that looms large in the room.
The minimum depth for a wooden wardrobe is 24 inches (2 feet) or around 60cms. This gives the clearance needed for clothes to hang without being cramped or damaged.
For smaller bedrooms, this can feel too big. If this is the case, consider fitted wardrobes. These can be designed around you and the space you have available. The solutions can be ingenious such as hanging clothes facing you rather than side on, as well as shelving space for bulkier items and so on.
Hideaway storage
The other issue is adding extra storage in a way that is unseen, but useful. When storage is at a premium, don’t be tempted to add too many boxes on top of wardrobes or on the floor as this simply closes the space down.
Consider adding drawers beneath the bed. For example, our Beam bedroom range comes with optional drawers. Under bed storage is perfect for bed linen and blankets. If you have room at the end of the bed, adding a blanket box that doubles as a seat makes sense too.