How to create a stylish student bedroom

Woman Sitting on Bed in Bedroom

For many freshers, the biggest impact of moving away from home is an unfamiliar bedroom. But with our helpful tips, you can soon make room in your halls of residence feel like home.

1 Surround yourself with familiar photos and accessories

What will immediately hit you as you enter your new bedroom for the first time is the soulless anonymity of the space. In most purpose-built student accommodation, everything is the same – the same furniture and the same layout.

The key to making it feel like home is to personalise it. Start this process by surrounding yourself with plenty of family photos and appealing wall art.

2 Update the lighting

Again, the lighting can be stark and functional, with the bright white light being unforgiving. Or it can be as well lit like a dungeon.

Vermont Table Lamp

Soften the lighting with soft glow bulbs and energy-efficient LEDs but also give yourself choices when it comes to light. A table lamp, for example, would make a great reading lamp, as well as giving your room less of a stark glow.

3 Add a rug

The texture is important for creating a room and a space that looks three-dimensional. Things that look and feel the same give a flat, uninteresting appearance and so a rug is a great investment that will see you right through to your PhD and beyond.

Louis de Poortere Antiquarian Janissary Multi Rug

Modern rugs are one of the most affordable and luxurious additions you can make to your student accommodation. If you are not keen on chevron or geometric patterns, thinking them too obvious for your student digs, then opt for this faded floral patterned rug instead.

4 A comfy, comforting armchair

It’s a big step, leaving home for the first time and there are times when it doesn’t matter if home is around the corner or hours away, all students will need comforting.

Maverick Leather Armchair

And there is nothing better than sinking into the warm depths of the all-enveloping leather armchair. Choose a modern but comfy leather armchair, with a pretty shape that would sit well alongside the other items of reclaimed furniture you choose to add or take with your from home.

5 Up the storage solutions

You get limited storage in most student digs and so upping your storage options means that you are more likely and able to keep your room tidy-ish.

Nilsson Rustica Tall Reclaimed Wood Chest of Drawers

A tall chest of drawers gives you more drawer space for clothing and study materials. And if space is limited, a narrow desk is a great alternative to a large expanse of table.

We have a range of industrial desk options, many of which can be made to a custom size, well worth considering if you plan on being in the same digs for some years to come.

Other quick tips for adding colour, style and home comforts include;

  • Cushions of all shapes, sizes, colours and fabrics – and the more, the better!
  • Have plenty of bed linen options – the easiest way to give your room an extra zing is to change your bed linen
  • Throws – opt for chunky knit woolly throws for an extra layer of warmth and snuggly comfort
  • A houseplant – you have to water it, talk to it, look after it, something that experts say can help with a sense of belonging.

Bedroom storage – the value of getting the right chest of drawers

Standford Reclaimed Wood Chest of Drawers

It is one of the most valuable pieces of bedroom storage and yet we assume that it is simply a case of choosing a small or tall chest of drawers that goes with our reclaimed wood furniture and is within budget. As you will see, it can be more than this, so what should you consider?

1 Size

A chest of drawers is ideal for any bedroom, including shared rooms where there needs to be a range of accessible storage solutions. But like most pieces of furniture, if it’s too big or too small, there is little or no value in adding the piece to the bedroom.

When you considering size you need to consider;

Thornton Reclaimed Wood Large Chest of Drawers

i.The dimensions of the room– a large solid wood chest of drawers may be the ideal solution but if a large chest of drawers doesn’t fit in the room or swamps it, it can make your bedroom look small and overcrowded.

Savannah Reclaimed Wood Small Chest of Drawers

ii.The storage you need– some people may only need a few drawers whereas other people like a lot of drawer space. Cater to your own preferences and if space is limited, consider investing in a small chest of drawers and more of them so you can place them in different areas of the bedroom.

2 Drawer depth

The depth of the drawers that work for you depends on what you plan on storing in them. We need drawers to store everything from chunky knit sweaters to small items of jewellery.

Standford Reclaimed Wood Chest of Drawers

Opt for the best of both worlds with shallower drawers and a small cupboard, an ideal and versatile solution for the bedroom.

Or choose a mix of longer, deeper drawers, matched with shorter, smaller drawers such as in this stunning piece from the Dorset range.

3 Tall and narrow can work

If you have a narrow and wasted space in the bedroom, a tall narrow chest of drawers would work well. Giving you extra storage space for a myriad of smaller items, the taller item of furniture won’t overcrowd the space either.

Standford Reclaimed Wood Tall Chest of Drawers

Maximise floor space with a tall chest of drawers lifted from the floor, such as this stunning simple yet stylish tall chest of drawers from the Standford Collection.

4 Style it out

Functional and practical they may be, but that doesn’t mean the chest of drawers has to be bland and dull.

In fact, most chests of drawers are the mainstay of any bedroom furniture collection and are usually the item that people examine in most detail.

Hudson Living Wycombe Oak Chest of Drawers

Style it out with the refined rustic look of the Dorset collection or opt for sleek Scandinavian chic such as this pretty 4 drawer chest from the Hudson Living Collection.

5 Quality every step of the way

We’ve all had the rickety chest of drawers that wobbled and threatened to topple when we used it or worse still, the sticking drawers that were nigh-on impossible to open and close smoothly.

Solid wood chest of drawers will last a lifetime (and longer!) and so with one eye on the budget, invest in the best set of drawers for your bedroom that you possibly can.

The appeal and steadfast nature of solid wood will make a unique style statement, something you won’t find in a flat-pack.

Beam Reclaimed Wood Chest of Drawers

Just take a look at this stylish, solid wood chest of drawers from the Beam Collection, for example. This will be a piece that lasts for years and years, sitting well with any style or bedroom décor changes you make.

And so you see, a chest of drawers may be simple but get it right and you’ll never hanker after another set again!

How to successfully renovate your bedroom into a beautiful space

Savannah Reclaimed Wood Bed and Blanket Box in Bedroom

Standford Reclaimed Wood Bedroom Furniture

Who doesn’t want their bedroom to be a stylish haven? The problem is when it comes to revamping and renovating this important room in your home, you can be stuck not just for bedroom decorating ideas but where or how to start.

1 Be methodical in your approach

Renovating, styling your home, decorating – whatever you choose to call it – is an emotional process. It is, after all, your home and you take pride in it. Add to that your personal connection to your bedroom and you can see how the methodical approach would soon be cast aside.

And so, before you take to admiring reclaimed wood furniture or modern bedrooms sets for or deciding on your final style approach, think through what it is you want to achieve.

2 Spot the problems, solve the problems

Renovating the bedroom is much more than just choosing rustic furniture or a bed frame– it is about looking at the room, deciding what must be changed and coming up with the solutions.

Not all problems can be solved within your budget or the structure of your home – solve what you can and adapt to those that can’t be altered.

3 Work within the confines of both size and budget!

If you create a wish list without borders, the budget will be blown on item number one but most of us, it’s fair to say, have a budget within which we must operate.

And there are also size constraints too and so this is where you need to be methodical and objective in making a list of items you must have in the bedroom, and the items you would like to have – if space and budget allow!

Standford Reclaimed Wood Chest of Drawers

For example, a bed frame is essential as too is a chest of drawers but would a small chest of drawers be just as versatile, flexible, functional and stylish?

4 Make the most of natural light

When renovating any room, but especially the bedroom, natural light pouring in is what makes the room feel light, airy, fresh and welcoming.

Dorset Reclaimed Wood Bedroom Furniture

And yet so many of us insist on heavy drapes and blinds, more so in our attempt to guarantee a good night’s sleep. As well as neutral tones on the walls, considering opting for lighter coloured bedroom furniture alongside neutral floor tones and plenty of mirrors about the space.

5 Every piece of bedroom furniture needs to have a function and a purpose

We can blindly follow what we have ‘always done’ because we have ‘always done it’. But if you don’t need a full-length wardrobe, why are you still buying one? If you need more drawer space, why don’t you create a bank of drawers along a wall?

Savannah Reclaimed Wood Blanket Box

Storage is key in the bedroom but it needs to fit your needs and not the other way round. For example, consider a wooden blanket chest for storing bulkier items like the summer duvet or chunky jumpers. Opt for one that acts as a seat too and you have two functions for the price of one.

Light, space, budget, problem-solving and bedroom furniture that is multipurpose are the solutions to a successfully renovated bedroom space.

How to choose the perfect wardrobe for the stylish bedroom

Dorset Reclaimed Wood Bedroom

Dorset Reclaimed Wood Bedroom

A room becomes a bedroom when there is a wardrobe but like all other storage options, the wardrobe must a personal solution. We take a look at how to choose the perfect wardrobe for you.

1. Consider height, width and depth

No two bedrooms are the same and for a wardrobe to ‘fit’ it needs to boost the correct dimensions.

In particular, check the height because there is nothing worse than investing in fantastic solid reclaimed wood wardrobe only to find you have to ‘chop a bit off the top’ to make it fit.

2.Plan for delivery too

But there is also something else you need to consider – getting it into your home, up the stairs and into the bedroom.

Opting for a flat-pack product is all well and good but where are the character and individuality? The good news is that there are large wardrobes and smaller wardrobes that have the right dimensions for your room.

3.Freestanding or fitted?

The next question you need to ask when shopping for a wardrobe is not only will it fit but which is best: fitted or freestanding.

We prefer the versatility of a freestanding wardrobe because it can be moved to a new location in the room, as well into another bedroom.

A small wardrobe would have more versatility if this is something that you need.


It is a big decision, especially when you want a wardrobe that fits with your overall style choice.

Choosing a bedroom set of reclaimed furniture is one solution to this and gives a cohesive finish to your bedroom.

If this isn’t the case but you’re looking for one piece of reclaimed wood furniture, you will need to bear in mind that as a purchase, the wardrobe is one of the most expensive purchases you will make, especially if you are opting for quality and solid wood.

Wycombe Oak Open Wardrobe

·If you like the Scandinavian style in the bedroom, this open wardrobe will help you feel right at home. A simple structure, it boasts beautiful quality and finishes. No wonder that the Wycombe wardrobe is so very popular. Great for smaller bedrooms, you have the use of a ‘full’ double wardrobe without the boxiness of doors closing in on the room.

Thornton Reclaimed Wood Wardrobe

·Hanging and drawers space give you more options than a wardrobe that is hanging space alone. The large wardrobe with deep drawers from the rustic, yet refined Thornton Collection is a shining example of this versatility.

Winchester Reclaimed Wood Wardrobe

·Dark wood has an elegance that can only come from its patina, a beautiful look that develops with age. Perfect for a bedroom that you want oozing with class and elegance, the Winchester dark wood wardrobe is simply divine.

Dorset Reclaimed Wood Wardrobe

·If dark wood is too oppressive for your tastes, painted wardrobes are fantastic. With an appealing ‘coastal style’ to their appeal, the Dorset white painted wardrobe is satisfyingly rustic or if you want to vamp up the elegance, the Savannah white painted wardrobe has a refined edge to it.


And then, of course, there is the price tag, but we think investing your money in an affordable and chic oak wardrobe that will last the test of time is a far better use of your hard-earned cash than the rickety wardrobe that threatens to topple…

How to give your bedroom a speedy makeover every day

Standford Reclaimed Wood Bed

Standford Reclaimed Wood Bed and Wardrobe
On September 11th, it’s Make Your Bed Day. Making your bed seems like such a trivial thing in the overall picture. And really, it is. But making your bed before you leave the house is guaranteed to get your morning started in the right way and often leaves our minds feeling clearer and thus improving our moods.
There are plenty of other reasons to make your bed too. Like these, for example…
  • Research shows it helps to keep the rest of your bedroom tidy (haven’t you ever noticed a made bed has the magical power of making the rest of your room look tidy, even when it definitely isn’t?)
  • Daily bed making, once it becomes a habit, also improves productivity by kickstarting a chain of making good decisions throughout your day
  • Few things feel better than jumping into your bed after a day at work and sinking into a perfectly plump pillow and settling in for the night in smoothly made sheets
Perhaps not so trivial after all!
So, by now you might be wondering how to take your bed-making to the next level. Luckily for you, it’s really quite simple and only takes a couple of minutes away from your regular morning routine.
Making the perfect bed starts with the bottom – the sheet. After you’ve got comfortable and had a night’s sleep, your sheet is unlikely to still be perfect. Take the time to pull each corner flat again to ensure that anything lying on top e.g. your duvet, has a perfect base to rest upon.
Creating the look of a luxurious bed does often come down to the type of duvet used. A bigger, fluffier duvet will create an overall plumper look which is fantastic for creating a sumptuous finish and also minimising a creased appearance.
However, you can also give your duvet a quick shake to fluff it up each morning.
And finally – lots of pillows! Whether or not you sleep with lots of pillows, having several pillows plus a few decorative pillows creates a styled appearance you’ll love the finish off. Two (or three, if you really go for it) pillows plumped up and standing upright against the headboard look fantastic, like something in a stylish boutique hotel. Finish with a couple of colourful scatter cushions to tie your bed into the rest of your colour scheme and you’re good to go. Nillson Rustica Reclaimed Wood Bed
When it comes to adding colour, perhaps think about the style of your bed. For example, the cool toned wood of the Nilsson Rustica Wood Bed looks perfect with peaceful colours such as blue and grey. Opt for very light grey linens (they not only look stylish but are easier to keep looking perfectly clean than white) and finish with lots of blue accessories, and lots of texture – a few pattened cushions and a chunky knitted throw should do the trick.
Standford Reclaimed Wood Bed
A very simple style bed like the Standford Bed allows you to have more fun. Why not play around with a couple of contrasting colours for something special, or inject a fantastically bright pop of colour – yellow is always a fun choice, and is another colour which looks great with blue. You could even do a selection of pastel colours.
Thornton Reclaimed Wood in Bed and Blanket Box
When it comes to light wood, like with the Thornton High Reclaimed Bed, keeping the colours light and neutral will create the most tranquil setting you could imagine. Shades of grey look stunning for that chic space you’ve always dreamt of. However, pops of pale colours also work wonders – a soft pink or sage green will look truly stunning, and aren’t colours you’ll tire of either.
Having a good selection of reclaimed wood furniture also helps. After all, the bedroom should be peaceful – something which is hard to achieve in a room full of clutter.
Dulwich Reclaimed Wood Blanket Box
A wooden blanket box at the end of your bed is the PERFECT hiding place for fresh linens when you want to do a complete bed-change, but will also fit in unseasonal throws and cushions if you like to change up your bed’s styling to make the seasons. A small chest of drawers will also do the same job if you’d prefer to have your furniture up against a wall as opposed to in the middle.
Standford Industrial Reclaimed Wood Bedside
Bed side tables on each side of the bed are also great for minimising clutter and giving a perfectly made bed the perfect frame to finish the look of brilliantly. Gorgeous table lamps or a large statement candle on each bedside table will add a pop of interest, especially if you opt for all-white bedding, too. And don’t forget a fantastic wooden dressing table to ensure hairbrushes, makeup and styling products can be tucked away in a drawer rather than cluttering beautiful wooden tops.
Have you got any fantastic bed making tips?! We would love to know.

How to fit a small desk in the bedroom

Wooden Desk in Bedroom

Woman in Bedroom with Desk and Chest of Drawers

Fitting in a workstation in your home can seem like an impossible task, or, for students, squeezing in a desk into a small bedroom at student digs or halls of residence is an even bigger ask.

There are some basics requirements you need to follow, but with clever design and style solutions, you can fit a home desk into a bedroom, a small desk, mind, and not have the bedroom looking cluttered.

Here’s how;

The desk

Before you get carried away and order the smallest desk you can find, you may be surprised at just what you can fit into the room.

But first, you need to measure the room and draw a plan, noting any nooks, crannies and recesses. Which of these can be used?

Oak Ladder Shelving

For example, a tall, slender bookcase or unit like a ladder shelving unit with a slender width of 48cm would make the best use of the space and offer plenty of storage in the bedroom too.

You may not always want to be looking at your work however, and thus, a foldaway narrow desk is the perfect solution. The lighter tone of wood also means it fits perfectly within a smaller bedroom without overtaking the space.

The chair

Office chairs have a tendency to be large and cumbersome, with high backs and a boxy style. It may be ergonomic design but that doesn’t mean there needs to be ‘more chair than you’!

Most people prefer a chair on castors to sit on at their home office desk. For a slimline finish when you are not at your desk, consider a desk chair without armrests to slip under the desk.

Parker Leather Office Chair

However, the right desk chair depends not just on your own preference but also on the work you do. Designers and artists will often work on a stool, supporting them in an almost-standing position at their workstation.

The storage

A wooden desk in a bedroom is all well and good but you need adequate storage. The last thing you need is a messy, cluttered desk in your eyeline as you fall asleep and wake up.

A desk with storage is an ideal solution but many can be too large to squeeze into the bedroom. The solution is separate storage that can be used for both work items and bedroom items too.

As well as the ladder shelving in a recess, why not consider adding a beautifully stylish low-height shelving and cupboard sideboard? By opting for lower height items, you can be sure it won’t overpower the space. Plus the fact, it doesn’t look like a home office item which means you don’t have to worry about a corporate feel in the bedroom…

The position

And finally, if the bedroom dimensions and shape allow, you need your desk to benefit from as much natural light as possible. Banish shade with a desktop light, choosing a similar style on your bedside tables to bring a sense of cohesion to the room.

Are these the best bedsides for small bedrooms?

Hudson Living Oak Side Table

Effortlessly framing the bed, bedside tables are essential in the bedroom.

But this doesn’t mean it should be devoid of style. What we wanted to know was which bedside table works best in the smaller bedroom. And so we asked a question…

We Asked, You Answered

We took to Houzz and polled our followers on whether the bedside table should be a simple yet chic table or one that offered extra storage. There were four options to choose from;

·the Winchester rustic wooden bedside table

·the Dulwich three-drawer bedside table

·the Onslow reclaimed wood bedside table

·and finally, the Luna 1-Drawer Bedside Table.

The votes were divided but there was one clear winner…

The Winchester

Winchester Reclaimed Wood Bedside

With its refined rustic charm, this wooden side table has everything you could possibly need. Three, deep drawers and a handy pull out sliding surface for when you need a little extra table top space, maybe for your morning tea.

Available in a pair, they offer all this storage without grabbing at the eye. Maybe, it is the simplicity of its design and its fascia that attracts people. Unpretentious and unfussy, it makes an ideal addition to any bedroom.

Rustic it may be, but we think the Winchester bedside table fits well in any bedroom style or design. A beautiful example of reclaimed wood furniture, it will remain the top choice for some time, we feel.

Dulwich Reclaimed Wood Bedside Table

In second place, and not far behind the Winchester bedside table, was the Dulwich reclaimed wood bedside table.

Again, full of rustic, unpretentious charm, this drawers and shelf combination is a popular choice. 

The handy drawers allows for smaller items to be kept safe and the shelf is perfect for piling those must-read bestsellers and paperbacks. Its painted façade is also perfect when considering the range of on-trend decorating ideas for the bedroom.

Onslow Reclaimed Wood Bedside Table

In some ways, we take a complete departure from the previous two example, with the sleek styling of the industrial-inspired Onslow Reclaimed Wood Bedside Table.

At home in the bedroom or the living room, this delightful piece offers simple storage – a table top. It may look unassuming, but just look at its highly polished leg frame and the appeal of the rustic reclaimed wood!

A versatile piece, if ever there was one because, where in the rulebook of interior design does it say that a bedside table or occasional side table can only be used in the bedroom or the living room?

Luna 1-Drawer Bedside Table

Oak bedroom furniture is increasing in popularity and in our opinion, its no wonder. A slow growing tree, oak is a dense, strong wood that takes on a sheen, unlike any other timber we work with.

And it is this pedigree that people love about the Luna 1-Drawer Bedside Table. Tt offers simple storage and again, it mimics Scandinavian furniture with its simplicity. Beautiful rounded legs, its pretty but functional drawer and the smaller expanse of tabletop is ideal in a bedroom where minimalism is required.

This piece doesn’t snag the eye which, in a smaller bedroom, is important in avoiding the overly-cluttered look.

And so, it just leaves one questions – which if these exquisite pieces of reclaimed furniture is your favourite?

How to style bold coloured rugs in the bedroom

Louis de Poortere Fairfield Dark Rug in Bedroom

Louis de Poortere Khayma Fairfield Dark Rug

A bold rug, whether that’s in colour, pattern or both can really make a room, but for even the most experienced of interior designers, seamlessly creating a room around it is daunting.

The bedroom is a great place for a multicoloured, bold rug and so with this in mind, we’ve gathered the hints and tips of top interior designers on how to do it successfully.

Choosing the right colour

Firstly, if you are retro-fitting a bold rug into a room, take a look at what the predominant colour is and work with what you have. This way, it won’t look like the rug has just landed.

For example, if you have dark floorboards and a room full of navy and pastel blue shades, then it makes sense to use a colour that contrasts with this. You can either opt for a similar shade or a similar colour, or, ring the changes with a rug in the colour opposite to the room’s predominant colour on the colour wheel.

Louis De Poortere Foliage Patchwork Rug

In a blue room, for example, an orange rug complemented and supported by orange accessories would look simply stunning. This stunning orange and red rug would work a treat.

Try a bold pattern, in a neutral colour

It isn’t always about colour, but pattern, when it comes to installing contemporary rugs in the bedroom. Most of us opt for a neutral, calming space, ideal for relaxing and unwinding after a busy day.

Louis De Poortere Cameo Rug - Bolshoi Pink

If this is the case, bold coloured bedroom rugs wouldn’t be the option you would plump for. The hint of pink in this contemporary bedroom rug is ideal, or if you want a completely neutral colour to let the pattern stand out, try this Louis de Poortere rug from our collection.

Louis De Poortere Cameo Rug - Pinch of Cinnamon

Design the bedroom around the rug

If you are in the fortunate and exciting position of completely renovating the bedroom, then you are in the position that most designers say we should start from – designing the bedroom around the rug.

Darker tones

This allows an explosion of exciting ideas. For example, the dark blues and navy of this blue rug would look simply stunning against the dark, brooding looks of the Winchester bedroom furniture collection.

Louis De Poortere Vintage Patchwork Rug in Blue Denim

The turquoise rug would work just as well if you felt you needed a lighter tone to the floor.


Strong colours don’t have to overpower but they need to make a statement. And so lighter floorboards and bronze accessories are ideal bedroom-fellows to this delightful red rug for the bedroom.

Louis de Poortere Vintage Patchwork Antwerp Red Rug

Red can be a tricky colour to get right in any room – too dark and it becomes too earthy for a modern, lighter tone reclaimed wood furniture collection but too pinkish in tone and it could be argued it becomes a little insipid.

Red works well with the industrial look – take a peek at how well red, bronze and the Luxe Elm Industrial collection dovetail seamlessly and you will see why.

Lighter tones

A bright, airy and fresh appeal and ambience to a bedroom is perfect for the spring and summer months but that doesn’t mean a yellow rug is only good for half of the year. This patchwork yellow rug is ideal with lighter tone furniture (and darker tones too), a perfect starting point for anyone wanting to create a farmhouse styled bedroom or even one with a hint of the industrial too.

Louis De Poortere Vintage Patchwork Yellow Rug

Is a bold, multicoloured, patterned rug on your shopping list?