With the promise of spring around the corner, we can start to look forward to a rise in temperatures and longer days. A change in season always brings an opportunity for a wardrobe clear-out and whilst it’s the perfect time to get rid of items we haven’t worn, or are ever likely to wear again, and make room in our rustic wardrobes for some fabulous new spring and summer clothes, it’s important to make sure we do this responsibly.
The benefits of decluttering our clothes is much talked about and there is something very satisfying about emptying our wooden wardrobe and wooden chest of drawers and creating an ordered and streamlined capsule collection for the new season. However, we’re all about recycling, repurposing and reducing our impact on our planet, so it’s important to declutter our wardrobes responsibly. Just like our reclaimed wood furniture that is given a new lease of life, here we look at the best ways to give your no longer loved garments a new home.
5 Ways to clear your wardrobe with a clear conscience
1. Sell them
This is the best way to re-home clothes you’ve fallen out of love with and the great news is, there are a host of websites that make this easy. From Depop and Vinted to E-Bay, resale sites will not only give your clothes a second chance, but it also feels good to get some money back. They are also an option for when you want to buy something new for your wardrobe – instead of going to the high-street or online, check out some pre-loved clothes first.
2. Swap them
Another great way of ensuring your clothes don’t end up in landfill is to swap them with friends or pass on to those who can make use of them. Children’s clothes are perfect for this, especially old school uniform. Most schools have a second-hand shop or check with the teacher before you chuck-out an old stained shirt – they make perfect smocks for craft and painting time. You can even organise a clothes swap evening with friends – a fun way to get together, whilst also being able to pick up something new to you.
3. Donate them
We all think we’re doing the right thing when we donate clothes to a charity shop, and yes, it is a thoughtful choice, but it is important to be mindful when doing this. Charity shops get so many donations now and often very little is saleable or usable. Those jumpers with small holes in the armpit or a coat with a button missing may not be saleable in a charity shop and by donating, you are only moving the problem around. Look for charities that help people who need actual clothes and make sure what you’re giving them is in a good condition.
4. Recycle them
Clothes recycling bins can be found all over the UK making this an easy option for many. It’s a great option for pieces that are too worn to resell or donate and can be made into anything from car seats to cleaning cloths. Check with your local council to find your nearest clothing bin.
5. Repurpose or fix them
A missing button, broken zip or small hole in the armpit of a jumper doesn’t have to mean the end of our favourite fashion buys. Whilst not many of us would go as far as to darn socks in today’s age, we should look at mending an item before discarding it. If your skills aren’t up to the task, take your clothes to a local sewing and alteration shop.
If the garment is beyond repair, in the same way a reclaimed wood dining table is crafted from wood used before, you can repurpose the material of your once loved clothes. Old clothes are great in a wooden blanket box to use as dress-ups for kids and adults alike, whilst old towels are ideal to use as cleaning cloths or face cloths, certainly better than reels of kitchen roll and cotton wool.