Organise an end of summer clear out

organise end of summer clear out blog

With autumn (and winter) fast approaching we will soon be switching our wardrobe back to the winter one. Not only that, with the kids at home over the summer holidays clutter will have no doubt accumulated in many other parts of the house! With them back at school it’s the perfect time to have a good sort out and get rid of what you can, ready for spending more relaxed time in your home through autumn and winter. Below are a few ideas of how reclaimed and rustic furniture can help solve your home storage options in three spaces in your home!

woman carrying boxes for organise an end of summer clear out blog


The hallway can often get cluttered, a place where items are often put down on the way into the home and left there! Of course, this is the first place people see when they come into your home so here’s your chance to make a good first impression. If you don’t have a shoe storage bench then now is the time to get one – it’s also a great place to stash away hats, scarves, gloves and umbrellas when the time comes. If you do have one give it a good sort out – these often get cluttered and really do benefit from a good clear out! You’ll be able to see what you need to purchase ready for winter and you will also know what you have already got, potentially saving you money!

coats and bags on rustic wooden rack


This is the perfect time of year to declutter your wardrobe. Summer clothes that you have not worn this year should now be sold or donated to save cluttering up bedroom storage areas. Sort through your winter clothes as you put them back in your rustic wardrobe, think if you need or want all these items.

reclaimed wooden bed frame with wooden blanket box

A wooden chest at the foot of your bed is perfect for off season clothes storage – as well as spare blankets and duvets. The bedside table is a place where small items often get tucked away – this is a quick job and will make you feel really organised!

Living room

The living room has most likely been used so much more during the summer holidays. No doubt there are still a few items that need to be put away! Take items that don’t belong in there back up to the kid’s bedrooms, have a sort out of coffee table drawers and get rid of any old books the kids have grown out of, review the DVD and music collection and decide if you need to change any decorative pieces in the living room.

mid century wooden sideboard

A rustic sideboard is a classic piece of living room furniture and will help anyone struggling with living room storage to find a space for everything they need! They also provide you with a perfect opportunity to add an extra display area in your living space – on the surface of a sideboard you can display your favourite pictures, ornaments, houseplant or candlesticks.

How to set up the perfect study space for your child

wooden office desk with white office chair and magazine boxes

It’s back to school time of year and after a month or more off it’s important to get back into the swing of things. Homework is inevitable for older children and creating a perfect study place is a vital element of helping them finish it quickly and fuss-free! Help your child by creating a deskscape that will minimise distractions and help them concentrate to get their studying done….

1. The correct size desk

The desk should be big enough for text and writing books as well as a laptop, get a desk with drawers so you have plenty of room for stationery storage. The Arthur Reclaimed Wood Desk merges classic design with plenty of storage provided by its eight drawers.

reclaimed wood desk with eight drawers

If your child is a little older and planning to go on to university then get a large desk as they will most likely need more space than when they are at secondary school. A good quality reclaimed wood desk will be part of your home furniture for many years.

2. The right chair

Although your child will not be sitting at this desk all day long it’s still a good idea to get the best desk chair you can afford. Sitting with a bad posture can cause all sorts of health issues as well as affect concentration. Make sure the chair is height adjustable and that the backrest supplies good lumbar support as they are working. If your child can’t reach the floor then consider getting a footrest this will also help with their posture when studying.

Brown faux leather office chair and wooden desk

3. Limit distractions on the desk

Keep the desktop as clear as possible – this will definitely limit distractions: have everything they need – pen pot, light, close and accessible but not too much to distract. An industrial style desk like the Standford, with its two drawers, is just the right size and would be a stylish addition to any teenager’s room. If you feel you need more storage space then a set of office drawers can easily be added below.

grey faux leather office chair next to industrial desk with black metal legs

4. Cable tidy

Cables are unsightly – no one really wants to see them but they are an unavoidable part of an office desk. Keep them out of the way by using a cable tidy, especially if smaller children can access them to fiddle with them or if they are hanging loose around the sides of the desk.

5. A portable speaker

This is definitely optional – some children love a bit of background music but others will just find it to be too much of a distraction. So go with what your child wants, you can give this a try and move it to another part of their bedroom if you find they are listening to music that does not help them when studying.

cork noticeboard with pieces of paper pinned for how to set up the perfect study space for your child blog

6. Create a wall organiser

This is a great way to keep reminders easily visible and not get lost. They can write a study schedule for the week and tick off tasks as they are completed – it’s a great motivator – everyone likes to tick things off their to-do list. Add a few fun items as well, such as some funny pictures of them with their friends and family or inspirational quotes for when the going gets tough! A corkboard or a magnet board is perfect for this.

Start now! Get ready for going back to school

small blackboard and pot with pencils for start now! get ready for going back to school blog

It feels like the school holidays have only just begun, yet, again, before we know it, we’re thinking about getting the kids back to school. After the holiday many children are excited to go back to school, so it’s good to be organised and ready!

Below are a few ideas that we hope will get them ready and excited to go back to school. This can be especially useful for younger kids who are starting their first or a new school – it will help them get excited about it – but it’s nice for any child to be involved in getting ready to start the new school year.

blackboard with Back to School written for get ready to go back to school blog

School uniform

Check to see if last years uniform still fits and if you need to buy any replacement items. Start looking out for school uniform items now – large supermarkets offer some excellent value items – it is completely worth shopping around to see what you can find. While sorting out the uniform take a look at what clothes storage your child has in their room. A solid wood wardrobe with drawers gives plenty of space so your children know exactly where to grab stuff during the early morning starts!

two solid wooden wardrobes

School shoes

In our experience, kids never wear shoes out before they need the next size up! Now is the time to sort out the hallway storage bench and see which shoes still fit, what can be sold or donated and what replacements you need to buy.

New school rucksack and pencil case

Buying a new rucksack and pencil case is a highlight for most younger kids when it comes to getting ready to go back to school! Make space so the school bag has a permanent “home” in a wooden chest in the hallway – this could save hunting around for it on a Monday morning! It is also a good place to keep their PE kit – ready to grab it on the way out the door.

blue children's ruck sack with pencils and pens for Back to School blog

Travel and bus passes

Get organised and buy monthly or annual travel passes. Your child’s school or the local council website should have information on what you need to do to get assistance with travel expenses for your child. It may also be worth getting in a few spare washable face masks in case they are needed during your child’s journey to and from school.

Create a study area

If your child is moving up to secondary school then they will definitely need a quiet place to do their homework, so think about creating a simple study area in their bedroom. Just a kids desk and chair in the corner with good lighting and a desk tidy is all that is needed. This is also a good idea for little kids – a place where they can keep their pens, pencils, colouring books and school things altogether neat and tidy.

children's study area with green metal chair and wooden desk

Desk tidy out

If your child already has a desk in their bedroom then have a sort out and give it a bit of a revamp – recycle old drawing books and activity books restock things you are running short on – maybe treat them to a new study chair, hang a cork board on the wall or get a solid wood chest of drawers to give a bit extra storage space.

grey faux leather desk chair next to industrial desk


If you haven’t already, make an appointment for the ‘back to school’ haircut – salons get very busy this time of year with all the kids getting a quick tidy up before they head back to school!

Tips to prepare for an easy house move

brown removal boxes and armchair with dust sheet

stack of removal boxes for tips to prepare for an easy house move blog

Moving home is always stressful – no matter how organised you think you are. You may have to find a new doctor, dentists and a new school for the children – not to mention all the companies you have to inform like the DVLA, utility companies and banks…. etc. etc. etc. In this blog, we look at ways to remove some of the stress from the hard work of packing up your belongings in the house – I promise you, you will be surprised at how much stuff you have. It’s never too early to start de-cluttering and packing!

In the kitchen

The kitchen is one of those places where everything seems to accumulate – from unused gadgets to important paperwork that hasn’t been filed away. Even if you have employed a company for the packing and move day, you will still want to have a sort out – this way you will be way more organised from the get-go in your new home. File papers away, give those gadgets away, go through your pots and pans – dispose of old chipped cups that never get used. Ruthlessly go through the kitchen units and throw away any old part used packets that have been in the cupboards for a while, use up as much food that you already have in.

kitchen with moving boxes and iron board for tips to prepare for an easy house move blog

Tidy and organise everything you want to keep so it is ready to simply be wrapped and put in boxes. If you have a rustic sideboard in your kitchen or dining room you might even be able to pack some of the items inside a month or so before the move – I am sure if you have guests around for dinner they won’t mind if you are not using your best serving dishes!

reclaimed wood sideboard with open cupboard door

In the living room

Again, start decluttering wherever you can. If you have a wall display cabinet then you can pack any display items, books, CD’s and DVD’s well in advance. A good place to have a sort out are the cables behind the TV stand – sort out what you no longer need and get the rest labelled ready for reconnecting quickly in your new home.

In the bedroom

You can also make a good start in the bedrooms by donating any old clothes and packing away seasonal clothing you won’t be needing for a while. Pack spare bedding in a wooden chest….this is also a great place to pack and protect any fragile ornaments, as are drawers in a solid wood chest of drawers! You’re very unlikely to get a heavy solid wood bed out of the house in one piece so this could be another thing you can dismantle a few days before your move, leaving just the mattress on the floor. When it comes to actually moving furniture, items such as a large rustic wardrobe or other reclaimed wood furniture with drawers and doors, we suggest removing the handles and screw them back onto the furniture on the inside – this will prevent damage to items and stop them from catching as they are transported.

mattress on the floor with white covers

Top tips for an easier move

  • Start packing early
  • Decide if you will use a moving company or get friends and family to help
  • Dispose of, donate or recycle items you no longer want or need in your new home
  • Clearly label or colour code your packing boxes by room
  • Keep a folder to store utility company telephone numbers and any other important documents you might need
  • Write important dates and tasks down

Good luck! If you have any top moving tips leave them in the comment box below. We’d love to know about them.

Give your child’s room a quick summer makeover

children's bedroom with double wooden bed and wooden desk

With the school holidays here it is time to give the kid’s bedrooms a good clear out, refresh and reorganise. Now is a great time to get stuck in so you don’t disrupt term time routines.

Colourful children's clothes on hangers in a wardrobe

Declutter and donate

Have a clothes clear out! All those jumpers, jackets and coats in your wooden wardrobe that were getting a little bit tight by the end of the winter most likely won’t fit come autumn! Swimwear, T-shirts, and shorts held onto after last summer “just in case” can all go if they are too small. Chances are they still have lots of wear left in them so pass them on to a friend with younger children, donate to charity or take them to a clothes bank.

child at white wooden desk drawing and painting

Create a study nook

This might be particularly important if your child is moving up to secondary school, a suitable place to study, read and do homework. Some storage space within the nook, like a shelf, is also great for keeping books, pens etc. neat and tidy, together with a desk lamp. They will have no excuse not to immerse themselves fully into their school work! This area can be used for drawing and painting and doing other crafts that they enjoy, for younger kids.

children's bedroom with wooden desk and chair

Create a chill-out area

This is great for teens who have friends over a lot and like to hang out in their room. Kids love a bean bag and it is a versatile must-have in any kids bedroom! You can bring in a small table for drinks, snacks and books on.

child on bright yellow bean bag

Upgrade toy storage

Having a bedroom clear-out and refresh is the perfect time to clear out old toys and things they have grown out of or no longer want. Of course, you will want to keep some things for sentimental reasons and that is fine. You may need to invest in some more suitable storage options for toys, something like a wooden toy chest is perfect for a toddler’s room as they get older you can use it to store seasonal bedding and other bulky items.

Furniture upgrade

Maybe it’s time for a furniture upgrade to more “grown up” furniture in your child’s bedroom? If the room is small, consider a white wooden bed frame to keep it light and airy. Pair this with matching bedside tables and a solid wood chest of drawers and it will last for years. It will be timeless furniture that you will continue to love long after they leave home.

white wooden bedside table with pull out tray

Change the bedding and curtains

As your child grows their interests will obviously change. Use this to create a new theme for their bedroom decor, whether it is just a new bed set or a complete repaint and makeover in their latest favourite colour.

How to keep cool at night

king wooden bed frame for how to stay cool at night blog

Summer brings lots of benefits, but as the nights get warmer, many of us struggle to cool down and get to sleep – here are a few tips to help you along as the weather warms up.

1. Switch to summer bed linen

You could invest in an all-season duvet – something like a 10.5 tog + 4.5 tog. Use just the thinner duvet in summer, in autumn you can switch to the 10.5 and in the middle of winter use both together. For easy access, you can store them in a stylish wooden blanket box at the foot of your bed.

reclaimed wood blanket box and wooden bed frame

2. Is your bed big enough?

If you share a bed and are often hot it may be time to look for a bigger bed. This will give you more space and make you more able to escape your partner’s body heat! If you have a king-size bed consider upgrading to a super king solid wood bed. This will also give you more space to move pillows out the way – just have the most essential bedding items on your bed to let air flow around you freely.

king size wooden bed frame with grey covers and matching wooden bedside tables

3. Cool colours

As in the cool Mediterranean style, use light colours in your bedroom – dark walls will absorb heat whereas pale colours and white will reflect the heat. If you are investing in new bedroom furniture then consider pale or white painted reclaimed wood furniture – a white wardrobe and a white painted wooden chest of drawers will help your room feel cool and airy.

4. Control the sunlight in your room

Our friends in warmer countries are experts at this! If the sun is shining in to your bedroom window make sure you pull the blinds down, use a blackout blind for particularly sunny rooms….and close your window! Just as double or triple glazed windows keep the cold out in winter they keep heat out in summer so keep them closed during the hottest parts of the day. Open windows on the shady side of the house, early in the morning and definitely during the evening before you go up to bed to let cooler breezes through.

5. Get a good fan

At present, here in the UK, it is probably not worth investing in air conditioning for your home, but for those nights when it is warmer than we’re used to it’s lovely to have a fan for the bedrooms. A ceiling fan / light combo is great – they are out of the way and can really cool a room down. Floor standing fans or one that stands on a unit are also great for summertime cooling.

Wooden bed frame with white ceiling fan

6. Stay hydrated

Make a point of taking a glass of water to bed with you – there’s nothing worse than waking up in the early hours desperate for a glass of water! A rustic bedside table provides the perfect space to keep a glass nearby and will save you from having to get up in the night.

7. Cool down before bed

Even if you had a shower in the morning it really is worth having a quick cooling freshener before bed. If it is particularly hot, take a slightly wet face flannel to bed with you. Just dabbing this on your forehead and the back of your neck really helps you cool down ready for sleep.

Plant in wicker basket at the foot of a wooden bed frame

8. Indoor plants can help

Bring an indoor plant up to the bedroom – did you know they help to cool a room down? They consume hot air for their natural processes and add humidity to the room by releasing moisture into the air through the process of transpiration, which is when moisture evaporates from the leaves.

Summer trend – bring in rustic Mediterranean style

rustic dining table outdoors with orange bowl and large terracotta pot in the background

outdoor wooden dining table with straw hanging lamp shade

The Mediterranean interior style has timeless appeal that encapsulates the classic features of older Spanish, Italian and Greek homes with features such as natural stone walls and floors, exposed wood beams, decorative metalwork and bold ceramics. Earthy, rustic, cool and natural, the Mediterranean look is the perfect partner for reclaimed wood furniture…. bringing its own fair share of history and character with it. When it comes to recreating this style here in the UK, we are looking to mimic the indoor-outdoor lifestyle that our Mediterranean cousins do so well.grid of collection of rustic dining tables and reclaimed wood dining tables

Bring the casually elegant, earthy and rustic Mediterranean look, inspired by the sun and sea, right into your dining space. A Mediterranean dining area tends toward colours and materials that look picked straight from nature – rich, earthy hues against a calming backdrop of white and natural wood. A rustic dining table is just screaming out to be filled with tapas, olive bread and full-bodied red wine, ready for you to enjoy with friends and family. Hanging a natural weave rattan pendant light over a reclaimed wood dining table would be the perfect lighting for your Mediterranean look dining room, opt for wicker placemats and rustic earthenware dishes for relaxed summer evening dining.

industrial dining table with black metal spider legs and rattan hanging pendant lights

To get the Mediterranean style in your living room we suggest you keep things cool, white and neutral – reflecting the casual lifestyle and laid-back vibe of the area. Perfect for creating a relaxing space. Furniture is big, sturdy and built to last with natural materials, such as rustic wood, stone and natural weaves taking a starring role. Neutral tones can be complemented with bright accent colours, such as blues and yellows reminiscent of the sun, sea and sky, or deep orange, brown and terracotta to create an inviting and intimate mood. To bring in the natural element of wood you can have a reclaimed wood coffee table as your living room centrepiece or a rustic sideboard with a selection of decorative accessories like terracotta pots, leafy house plants in rattan baskets and a natural wicker side lamp.

reclaimed wood sideboard with two double cupboards and round metal handles

Warm evenings and a gentle breeze call for a pared-back scheme in the bedroom. Add soft colour accents to off-white walls – think muted pinks, greens and blues – and a chunky rustic bed and full of character. Natural woven accessories like a natural jute rug and wicker baskets for storage. Introduce some wall hangings and some plumped up scatter cushions to complete this dreamy bohemian bedroom style.

reclaimed wood bed frame with grey covers, matching under bed drawer and small bedside table

Ways to style the foot of your bed

Rustic wooden bench at foot of boho bed

The foot of the bed is often a slightly overlooked space. In this blog we share a few different ideas to style up and make good use of this little bit of bedroom space.

An upholstered bench

An upholstered bench is a great addition to the foot of your bed, somewhere to sit and put your socks on when you are getting ready to go out. A place to pop the decorative scatter cushions off your bed at bedtime, somewhere to keep a selection of reading books or a surface to pop a tray of coffee on in the morning.

Purple velvet foot stool and large king size bed with grey headboard

A wooden blanket box

A blanket box or wooden chest is the classic piece of furniture to place at the foot of your bed. A great way to add a little more storage space for your winter or summer duvets, spare blankets, pillows, winter jumpers and anything else you don’t need to hang in a wardrobe.

Reclaimed wood blanket box next to wooden bed frame

A TV stand

A TV is a very popular addition to the bedroom and the foot of the bed is a good spot for maximum viewing potential. Of course there are the hugely expensive custom TV storage cabinets from which the TV rises using just a remote control. But if you like the look and feel of reclaimed wood furniture you can, of course, achieve the same thing using a rustic TV stand or if you like the TV a little higher up a rustic console table would also work.

Wooden bench at bottom of double bed in boho style

A wooden bench and baskets

A wooden bench is a simple place to put things down or sit on. If you were to add some wicker baskets underneath it or next to it, this would give you additional hidden storage that is easily accessible, you could also use one as a laundry basket.

Small grey sofa at foot of a double bed with white covers

A pair of chairs or a small sofa

You can create a small seating area at the foot of your bed – this would be perfect in a spacious guest room where you can place a small sofa or two armchairs. In a teen bedroom, a chaise longue or just a single velvet armchair would most likely be enough, add a small lamp table and you can create a cosy sitting area.

A gorgeous reclaimed wood footboard

Maybe less is more for you and you really like to keep things simple and just allow your bed be the main feature in your bedroom. The Dulwich Reclaimed Wood Bed could be the perfect investment for you, with its impressive head and footboards you will have the foot of your bed completely finished!.