Study room ideas for kids that hate to study

white wooden desk with pink desk lamp

white desk with note pad, pens and pink desk lamp

Most parents know that getting their children to buckle down to their studies can be a challenge, but there are some tips and tricks you can deploy to provide encouragement. The first step in creating a study area is to start by carving out a comfortable work area for them. If they have one which is solely theirs, this will allow them to maintain concentration and focus on their studies, making life so much easier for everyone! A dedicated study area filled with everything they need, and preferably free from distractions such as the TV, is possible to achieve even within the smallest home. Let’s look at how best to achieve this.

It has to be comfortable

white reclaimed wood desk with drawers

It is so difficult to concentrate on anything when you are uncomfortable, especially if you have a fidget in the family, so let’s start by setting up a comfortable workstation. A comfy desk chair is essential, as, of course, is the right desk. The desk should be big enough to fit everything your child needs for their studies but not too big that they fill it with clutter. A reclaimed wood desk adds style and will blend in with most interior schemes or for a slightly edgier and cool look, an industrial desk will fit the bill.

Cut the clutter and distractions

A cluttered desk or a cluttered room leads to a cluttered mind or so the saying goes, so whether your child has their own study room or just a corner somewhere, it is vital to keep this area tidy. That means no TV, video games consoles or phones unless it’s necessary for their study subject. It is down to you as the parent to take the lead and find somewhere to hide any gaming consoles or devices that will distract your child from studying.

The desk should also be free of unnecessary clutter so that it is easier to find whatever is needed all the time. A set of office drawers or a small desk with drawers will provide a neat way of storing away books, files and other essentials and will give the child a sense of their own private space for their personal items. If there is limited space, adding a slimline bookcase or cabinet for storage is another good option.

white wooden desk with blue pen pot

Nice stationery for motivation

Multiple sheets of paper or post-it notes are all very well, and often important, but to promote a sense of organised tidiness, suggest they use a set of single-line notebooks with a cover showing a favourite picture along with a matching set of pens and pencils and cheery containers to keep them in. While you’re about it, add some motivational messages (or even bribes!) to keep their spirits and morale up. Allow them a couple of personal touches to brighten their study space, such as a favourite photo or colourful wall art.

Choose lighting and colour scheme carefully

Any colour scheme should be neutral for the best effect. Bright colours are likely to be a distraction and risk sensory overload. Keep it cool and neutral but not boring. The right lighting can help your child to focus and keep working for longer, so a compact LED desk lamp is ideal as LED throws a cool, bright (but not too bright) glow. This means it won’t get hot as well as some old style bulbs can.

Hopefully, these tips have given you a little inspiration as to how to make this next school year your child’s best yet. What tips do you have for encouraging your child to study? Let us know in the comment box below or see our Ideas & Inspiration and home office tips for more inspo. And to buy the look here at Modish Living.

Clever small bedroom study ideas

wooden desk and wooden desk chair for clever small bedroom study ideas blog

As the end of the summer holidays approaches and we prepare our kids for the term ahead, now is the perfect time to reinvent their home study. Even if your child has a small bedroom, with some thoughtful planning and clever furniture choices you can create the coolest workstation to inspire their creative minds and boost productivity. Prepare for gold stars all round with these small bedroom study ideas.

Pick a hardworking desk

A reclaimed wood desk is a clever investment when it comes to small bedrooms that will see your children throughout their entire school years. Something like our Chelwood Reclaimed Wood Desk features a simple, yet stylish design that is sure to stand the test of time. With a large surface area it offers plenty of room for books and laptops, whilst a wide middle drawer and two further side drawers provides plenty of space to store study bits and bobs, such as stationary storage, workbooks and revision cards. If they have a high bed, why not pop the desk underneath to maximise floor space? Adding a wooden industrial style desk below creates a secret nook that’s perfect for late night cramming sessions. Pair with a comfy desk chair that can be adjusted to the right height and you have the making of a successful study zone.

reclaimed wood desk with brown comfy office chair

Let there be light

Good lighting in a small space is key, but especially so when it comes to small bedroom study ideas. Make the most of natural daylight by positioning the desk next to a window, but be sure to avoid placing it directly in front of the window as this will not only offer a world of distractions to young minds, but it will also be difficult to see a computer screen. For nighttime studying, it’s important to keep a bedroom workspace well lit to avoid that dark and dingy feeling which might encourage them to catch a few Z’s instead of A’s! Mounted wall lights are great in small spaces for focused lighting and keeping the area bright without taking up valuable desk space.

small white desk in bedroom next to two windows

Storage, storage, storage

Storage can be a tricky subject in a small room, yet it is one of the most important to get right. Try to use wall space as much as possible and think vertically not horizontally by adding tall open shelves or a rustic bookcase with boxes and baskets for storing study and other bedroom necessities. You can also make the most of a bed with drawers – perfect for storing lap tops, books and files when the desk isn’t in use and your child is enjoying some downtime, but easy to access when it’s head down time. If there is space for larger storage options, invest in a cabinet, such as our Standford Industrial filing cabinet – a great choice with deep drawers perfect for hiding away heavy books and binders whilst keeping worktops neat and tidy.

industrial bookcase and rustic side table with drawers

Use colour to create the illusions of space

Lastly, but by no means not least, zone the space using colour. This could be a feature wall or even just the width of a desk. Use a contrasting colour to the rest of the room, or a personal favourite and paint the space just below ceiling height so it frames the desk. If you’re feeling bold, a stand-out colour is not only fun, but it can also define the study area and help separate school work from free time.

For more styling and decor tips for the home see our Ideas & Inspiration.

5 tips to make a successful study space at home

girl in yellow t-shirt writing at a desk

Desk with plant, letter and wire frame on wall

When the family is working, studying and revising from home, creating a quiet zone where your children can focus and study without distractions may seem like an impossible task. But, with a few clever interior and decor tips, you can make a creative and conducive study area that will encourage your child to study, read, write and work.

Regardless of the size of the space you have, when it comes to planning a home study space, it pays to remember these five key elements:

  1. Colour

  2. Furniture

  3. Lighting

  4. Organisation

  5. Personalisation


When it comes to colour schemes you want to promote a feeling of calm and peacefulness to aid concentration and this is best achieved with a predominantly neutral scheme in the main study area. That’s not to say it has to be boring and uninspiring. Colour can also ignite creativity, so consider adding pops of colour in your choice of accessories and furniture or even paint an accent wall behind the desk with a favourite colour. For less permanent options, a colourful photograph, print, pin-board or wall-mounted clipboards will also help create interest and colour.

home study area with green feature wall


The right home office desk is essential for the perfect home study area. Whether your child’s study zone is in their bedroom, an unused nook, a corner in the living room or a spot under the stairs, it’s worth investing in a quality desk.

industrial desk with grey leather office chair

A reclaimed wood desk or industrial desk feels grown-up and industrious, encouraging kids to knuckle down. Make sure the desk comes with drawers for keeping pens and stationery close to hand. As well as a dedicated desk, a comfy desk chair is vital to keep your young person motivated. As we well know, there’s nothing more distracting than being uncomfortable, so a modern desk chair is a must.


Lighting is especially important, not just for study, but for the health of their eyes, so if possible, try to create a study space that benefits from plenty of natural light. Make sure their set-up isn’t in direct sunlight though as you don’t want the sun streaming into their eyes or obliterating a screen. For the evening, or areas without much natural light, good task lighting is more effective than a single ceiling light. You want the light to shine directly on the office table or desk without creating obstructive shadows.

white desk with wooden chairs and white chest of drawers


The key to any effective study area is to keep it neat and tidy, especially if you’re sharing the space. Having an organised and clear area is vital, but being ordered doesn’t always come naturally to a child. Help them gain top marks by providing reclaimed wood shelves, drawers or a wood bookcase to ensure visible mess does not creep into the area. Even if the beautiful white drawers end up stuffed full of rubbish, if your child (or you!) can’t see the mess, they are more likely to be able to fully focus on the work in hand.

home study rustic chest of drawers


Adding some personal touches to your child’s study area will encourage them to want to hang around in the space longer. It’s a fine balance though. You don’t want it to distract from their learning, but small additions, such as a favourite toy, object, monogrammed items, photo or personal wall art on or behind their industrial style desk will make it feel like their space. This is especially true if the study area is located in a shared space.

White desk with white chair and surf board in corner of room

Complete your study space with our home office collection of rustic and reclaimed wood furniture or for more styling tips, take a look at our Ideas and Inspiration and follow us @modishliving.

Tips to create a revision-friendly study space

tips to create a revision-friendly study space blog

Girl in pink jumper at a desk for tips to create a revision-friendly study space blog

After the upheaval of the last two years, the moment that students and parents across the country have been dreading has arrived. With two years of disrupted study under their belts, students are sitting their GCSE and A-Level examinations – the first classes to do so since the summer of 2019.

There has never been a more important time to help your child with their studies and you can do this by creating the right learning space for them to revise in. From giving them their own space with desk and storage to encouraging meal times all around the dinner table, here are some tips to help you help your young person through their studies this summer.

Create a dedicated study space

Peace, quiet and a space where they can leave all of their study materials just how they want them is essential when it comes to creating a revision-friendly zone. This means creating a dedicated space. The right desk is really important, consider something like a reclaimed wood desk with a good space for working and office drawers are handy for keeping the area tidy. A comfortable chair is also essential to creating a calming study environment, invest in a good office desk chair that can be set to the right height for comfortable studying.

reclaimed wood desk with brown faux leather desk chair

Sleep matters

Cramming as much revision as possible into a short space of time is counterproductive. Make sure your teens get enough sleep. A good quality wooden double bed with storage will provide them with plenty of space to get a good night’s sleep and a clear bedroom floor….maybe! Remind your young person of the importance rest and sleep can have on their studies.

A healthy balanced diet

A healthy diet, including healthy drinks and snacks, can also play an important role in revision. Encourage your child to take time away from their desk in order to have a snack and a drink; studies have shown just how beneficial this can actually be to concentration and memory.

woman at wooden desk with books and bowl of cereal

Breaks and exercise

Fresh air is also a really important consideration when studying, and this doesn’t mean simply opening a window. Remind your child that getting away from their bedroom or study space can be really good for their mental health and can help them to return to their studies feeling refreshed.

Limit interruptions

Whilst breaks are great for study, interruptions can be a problem. It can be a good idea to suggest limiting tech interruptions during study time by turning off notifications on laptops and mobiles. Whilst the temptation to pop your head around the door and ask how things are going is natural, help your child arrange a schedule for their study with blocks of revision and stick it somewhere in the house where everyone can see it, that way they won’t be interrupted.

Spend quality family time together

reclaimed wood dining table with white painted legs

It is really important to not become too isolated when revising, so encourage your young person to spend some time with the family. Sitting around a rustic dining table as a family can be a relaxing way to spend quality time together. It also offers a good opportunity to talk about how the revision is going and any worries that might have arisen. An informal family dinner can provide a relaxed atmosphere that will really provide them with an opportunity to open up about things, allowing them to relieve some stress and feel supported.

What study tips do you have? Check out more Ideas & Inspiration and home office tips or to buy the look, visit us at Modish Living.

Top 5 tips to design your home office

wooden desk and wooden office chairs for top 5 tips to style your home office blog

A new hybrid way of working has emerged post-pandemic with many people preferring to split the working week between home and the office. This new flexible working means the home office is a permanent fixture in many of our homes, so creating a space that is well functioning and helps you maximise productivity is essential. Whether you have a dedicated room or a small corner, see our top 5 surefire tips to create a space that is guaranteed to create a productive workspace at home.

Create the perfect space to work from home

1. Define your workspace

The starting point of your home office should always be your desk – this is where you will sit for the majority of the day after all. We suggest you go as large as you can with the space you have. A rustic desk full of character will not only provide space to work, but will bring some warmth and style to a room. That said, if space is limited then work out the essentials you need to fit on your desk to work efficiently. Do you work on a laptop or a large screen? Invest in the best desk you can fit or afford and you have the making of a successful home office space.

reclaimed wood office desk and brown desk chair

2. Choose seating that’s comfortable and stylish

You will spend a lot of time in the office chair so it should be comfortable, but that doesn’t mean you have to compromise on style. High-quality material, functionality and comfort are the key areas to look for, together with a design and style that fits in with your home office scheme. A soft faux leather or leather desk chair with arms provide comfort, whilst an adjustable seat or a leather office chair that swivels and is on wheels is a practical choice. As with your choice of desk, the best desk chair is worth the investment – your posture will thank you for it.

brown leather desk chair

3. Get the lighting right

The next most important element is lighting. Having plenty of natural daylight is best, but you will still need other forms of artificial light throughout the day, or night if you’re burning the midnight oil! We recommend adding layers of lights that can be adjusted depending on the light outside. Ceiling lights are ideal for providing a good level of overall light, but supplement this with additional options. Desk lamps add a classic office look as well as offering practical focused lighting, especially good if your job entails lots of reading. If you are limited to desktop space then a floor standing lamp is a good idea or choose a wall-mounted or clip on desk light.

4. Maximise space with clever office storage

industrial office desk with grey faux leather desk chair

Storage is always a good investment in any part of your home and it is even more important when it comes to the home office. Staying organised with everything in its place helps with productivity, but storage is also essential to store expensive tech items when not in use and to file confidential documents out of sight. Filing cabinets tend to be large and unsightly, but a home filing cabinet crafted in reclaimed wood will sit nicely in stylish office space. Alternatively, a small wooden sideboard or highboard are perfect options for home office storage, whilst an open industrial shelving unit looks great in an office space and is perfect for adding your own personality, as well having the items you need quick access to close at hand.

5. Decorate and personalise your space

home office desk styling

One of the best parts of being able to work from home is that you can make it completely your own and you don’t have to adhere to any office guidelines. Surround yourself with things that make you happy and feel good, whether that’s photos of family and friends or artwork and inspiring quotes that make you smile. Or how about painting or wallpapering a wall in your favourite colour and print? Biophilia and bringing the outdoors in is thought to help balance stress levels, so place a plant on your desk or shelving unit, or if space is limited hang a plant from the ceiling to bring a touch of nature to your space.

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How to set up the perfect study space for your child

wooden office desk with white office chair and magazine boxes

It’s back to school time of year and after a month or more off it’s important to get back into the swing of things. Homework is inevitable for older children and creating a perfect study place is a vital element of helping them finish it quickly and fuss-free! Help your child by creating a deskscape that will minimise distractions and help them concentrate to get their studying done….

1. The correct size desk

The desk should be big enough for text and writing books as well as a laptop, get a desk with drawers so you have plenty of room for stationery storage. The Arthur Reclaimed Wood Desk merges classic design with plenty of storage provided by its eight drawers.

reclaimed wood desk with eight drawers

If your child is a little older and planning to go on to university then get a large desk as they will most likely need more space than when they are at secondary school. A good quality reclaimed wood desk will be part of your home furniture for many years.

2. The right chair

Although your child will not be sitting at this desk all day long it’s still a good idea to get the best desk chair you can afford. Sitting with a bad posture can cause all sorts of health issues as well as affect concentration. Make sure the chair is height adjustable and that the backrest supplies good lumbar support as they are working. If your child can’t reach the floor then consider getting a footrest this will also help with their posture when studying.

Brown faux leather office chair and wooden desk

3. Limit distractions on the desk

Keep the desktop as clear as possible – this will definitely limit distractions: have everything they need – pen pot, light, close and accessible but not too much to distract. An industrial style desk like the Standford, with its two drawers, is just the right size and would be a stylish addition to any teenager’s room. If you feel you need more storage space then a set of office drawers can easily be added below.

grey faux leather office chair next to industrial desk with black metal legs

4. Cable tidy

Cables are unsightly – no one really wants to see them but they are an unavoidable part of an office desk. Keep them out of the way by using a cable tidy, especially if smaller children can access them to fiddle with them or if they are hanging loose around the sides of the desk.

5. A portable speaker

This is definitely optional – some children love a bit of background music but others will just find it to be too much of a distraction. So go with what your child wants, you can give this a try and move it to another part of their bedroom if you find they are listening to music that does not help them when studying.

cork noticeboard with pieces of paper pinned for how to set up the perfect study space for your child blog

6. Create a wall organiser

This is a great way to keep reminders easily visible and not get lost. They can write a study schedule for the week and tick off tasks as they are completed – it’s a great motivator – everyone likes to tick things off their to-do list. Add a few fun items as well, such as some funny pictures of them with their friends and family or inspirational quotes for when the going gets tough! A corkboard or a magnet board is perfect for this.

Start now! Get ready for going back to school

small blackboard and pot with pencils for start now! get ready for going back to school blog

It feels like the school holidays have only just begun, yet, again, before we know it, we’re thinking about getting the kids back to school. After the holiday many children are excited to go back to school, so it’s good to be organised and ready!

Below are a few ideas that we hope will get them ready and excited to go back to school. This can be especially useful for younger kids who are starting their first or a new school – it will help them get excited about it – but it’s nice for any child to be involved in getting ready to start the new school year.

blackboard with Back to School written for get ready to go back to school blog

School uniform

Check to see if last years uniform still fits and if you need to buy any replacement items. Start looking out for school uniform items now – large supermarkets offer some excellent value items – it is completely worth shopping around to see what you can find. While sorting out the uniform take a look at what clothes storage your child has in their room. A solid wood wardrobe with drawers gives plenty of space so your children know exactly where to grab stuff during the early morning starts!

two solid wooden wardrobes

School shoes

In our experience, kids never wear shoes out before they need the next size up! Now is the time to sort out the hallway storage bench and see which shoes still fit, what can be sold or donated and what replacements you need to buy.

New school rucksack and pencil case

Buying a new rucksack and pencil case is a highlight for most younger kids when it comes to getting ready to go back to school! Make space so the school bag has a permanent “home” in a wooden chest in the hallway – this could save hunting around for it on a Monday morning! It is also a good place to keep their PE kit – ready to grab it on the way out the door.

blue children's ruck sack with pencils and pens for Back to School blog

Travel and bus passes

Get organised and buy monthly or annual travel passes. Your child’s school or the local council website should have information on what you need to do to get assistance with travel expenses for your child. It may also be worth getting in a few spare washable face masks in case they are needed during your child’s journey to and from school.

Create a study area

If your child is moving up to secondary school then they will definitely need a quiet place to do their homework, so think about creating a simple study area in their bedroom. Just a kids desk and chair in the corner with good lighting and a desk tidy is all that is needed. This is also a good idea for little kids – a place where they can keep their pens, pencils, colouring books and school things altogether neat and tidy.

children's study area with green metal chair and wooden desk

Desk tidy out

If your child already has a desk in their bedroom then have a sort out and give it a bit of a revamp – recycle old drawing books and activity books restock things you are running short on – maybe treat them to a new study chair, hang a cork board on the wall or get a solid wood chest of drawers to give a bit extra storage space.

grey faux leather desk chair next to industrial desk


If you haven’t already, make an appointment for the ‘back to school’ haircut – salons get very busy this time of year with all the kids getting a quick tidy up before they head back to school!

How to be happy in your work

smiling woman at work for how to be happy at work blog

Whether you are working from home or all set to return to the office you will benefit no end from making your workspace a happy and inspiring place to spend time in. Making your workspace a happy place is a worthy investment in you! In this blog, we will introduce some quick tips to get you started.

wooden desk with open laptop in front of large window

Connect with nature

This is always a good place to start, if you are lucky enough to have a room with a view then you really should make the most of it and position your desk near it. Make a point of getting natural daylight as much as possible. If you are working from home then sit in a chair near a window when you have documents to read. If you have a call to make which will not require you being sat at your laptop then make it by the window, just take a notepad and pen with you in case you need to jot something down!

woman at a lap top with dog beside her

Bring the outdoors in

If you can’t get out or can’t see out, bring the outdoors into you. The obvious thing is to bring a houseplant or two into your workspace, either on your office table, a rustic bookcase or reclaimed wood shelving, but pets also reduce office stress, whether it be your cat or dog in your home office by your feet or some fish in an aquarium. Studies carried out on stress levels found something as simple as repotting a house plant greatly reduced stress in participants. First, participants had to repot the plant and secondly, they were asked to carry out a task they were well accustomed to on their computer – as you have probably guessed the indoor gardening task reduced their stress levels.

row of house plants in white pots

Make your desk a permanent workspace

Choosing the right desk for you and the work you need to do at it, is very important, especially when working from home. If you have to look thorough lots of documents get a desk big enough for you to set them out properly – it will save you stress and time in the long run, if however you write or the majority of your work just requires a computer then you can get a smaller desk or writing desk and fill the space with things you like to have around you, an office sofa would be more comfortable if you read a lot or make many calls that don’t require you to be sat at your computer.

If you don’t have the room or prefer not to be cooped up in the office all day then zone your living room or kitchen to include an office area. A reclaimed wood desk is perfect for the home office – it will blend into another room much better than a bog-standard desk that you see in offices up and down the country….and of course, it is another easy way to bring in a little touch of nature.

grey faux leather office chair next to industrial style desk

Choose the right chair for you

Getting the right chair is just as important as getting the right desk. An adjustable leather desk chair or faux leather chair will last you for many years and is certainly worth the initial investment. If space is tight then lookout for a small desk chair or a chair that can double up and be used elsewhere in your home.

Keep on top of clutter

A build-up of office clutter will certainly affect how smoothly you are able to work. Invest in some rustic office furniture it will help you keep clutter at bay, keep organised and stay on track. A cluttered office means you will be unable to locate things when you need them and bring unnecessary stress to your day, not to mention waste time. A tidy and organised home, or office, will make you feel calmer, happier, productive and more accomplished – it sounds like one of the best therapies to us!