5 tips when planning for your home study room

Oldman Reclaimed Wood Orange Desk and Leather Chair

Oldman Orange Industrial Reclaimed Wood Desk and Leather Chair

As we enter the final few months of summer, many of us will be turning our thoughts to the new academic year. For many, it is a time of new challenges and opportunities.

Scores of people, young and the not-so-young, will be off to the hallowed halls of academia, others will be entering their final years of GCSE and A Level studies and for some parents, there is the agony of taking their once-primary aged children to ‘big school’.

All these opportunities and challenges will play out over the coming months but there is one challenge that needs resolving: study space – and desks for home start to consume our every thought.

Essential for anyone undertaking a course of study, a home study is an essential place no matter whether it is a GCSE subject being studied or a PhD thesis that needs writing.

Need some help getting it all together? Here are our ideas…

1. Measure, Measure, Measure

Tape Measure on Wooden Desk

A home study space doesn’t have to be gargantuan in size. In fact, most people find the more bijou and cosy the space is, the more they enjoy sitting at their desk, soaking up new information and ideas.

But to get the right study surroundings, you need to ensure you are surrounded by the right stuff in the right place. Thus, before you start ordering desks and filing cabinets, measure the space you really have available. As you do so, continually ask yourself, is the space or area accessible.

2. Start planning it NOW!

Oldman White Industrial Reclaimed Wood Desk

For a home study, planning is incredibly important. The conditions, the lighting, the outlook, the style, the desk, the chair… they all need to be right. But buying ‘off the rack’ in this case may not be the answer. A bespoke wooden desk may be what is needed, especially if you’re looking for a small office desk to fit in a tight corner, but because it is bespoke, it can take a few weeks to create.

The Oldman range of reclaimed wood desks is ideal for creating the perfect home office desk, in terms of height, breadth and width.

3. Consider Storage Solutions

Lowry Industrial Reclaimed Wood Bookcase

The web is awash with all kinds of fancy solutions and creative ideas for storage but here’s the thing: storage is only as good as the access that is offered.

In other words, shelves are just as good as fancy cupboards and so on. In fact, they can be just as stylish too such as the industrial shelving look – smashingly simple to access the tombs of text books and brilliantly easy to keep clean.

4. Colour

In any office, no matter what it is being used for, the surroundings need to help maintain your focus but without being too distracting. However, opting for Magnolia or another bland-ish colour is not the only solution.

If you want light and airy, why not team your reclaimed Oldman desk and reclaimed wood shelves with light reflecting grey or a pretty, light pastel blue? Or ring the changes with a bright, but understated yellow.

5. Lighting

Whether you will be staring at your screen for hours (not recommended) or poring over text books, there is one component that cannot be left to chance: lighting.

As well as a central light, opt for a desk lamp and/or adjustable floor lamp to pair with your industrial furniture for when you have to focus on the printed words of scholars past.

With the prospect of spending hours at your desk, how will you make your home study a delightful, warm and creative place to be?

How to position the desk for success

Barclay Reclaimed Wood Desk with Chair

Reclaimed Wood Desk

Whilst some of us find the fluttering of garden birds an inspiration, some of us find the sun pouring the window, the birds, the noise, the whole garden and the view a distraction.

And distractions, when you are sat at your desk, is not a good thing. You need to be able to quickly settle into work, focus on what you need to because when that happens, success ensues.

So where is the right place to put your desk that equals success?

At an Angle

Oldman Industrial Reclaimed Wood Desk

Is there something in you that likes to be able to see into other rooms or still want to feel part of what’s happening? If you do, then experts suggest placing your writing desk at an angle.

You occupy the corner of the room, but have visual access across a wide arc of 270°, perfect if you don’t like the idea of being snuck up on.

Against the back of the sofa

Colonial Reclaimed Wood Desk

If you work in a large room or have a reclaimed wood desk in the lounge for the occasional piece of office work, then an ideal solution is to place the back of the desk against the back of the sofa.

Works well when the sofa and desk are of the same length or if the desk is smaller, place it in the centre portion of the sofa. If you are doing this, make a statement with a desk similar to this reclaimed wood Colonial writing desk. There is something very grand and inspiring about the solidity of its design.

In the bay window

Man on Reclaimed Wood Desk

If you are blessed with bay windows you will understand what a blessing and a curse they can be – oodles of natural light but a not-quite-big-enough-space to use when it comes to furniture.Weathered Oak Foldaway Desk

We have the solution in our reclaimed furniture range in the shape of a bijou desk, complete with foldaway writing platform.

A work bank against the wall

Barclay Reclaimed Wood Desk

For some of us, distractions need to be at a minimum and the only real solution is to remove as many distractions as you can. If working against the wall sounds a great idea to you, then forge ahead. Make it look superb by creating a straight line working bank, complete with a customised Oldman desk, cupboards and your favourite leather office chair. Wooden shelving also works great at head height for storing essential work items.

In the corner

Black Iron Office Desk with Chair

An alternative to a straight working ‘bank’ is to position yourself in a corner, again utilising the space above you for wooden shelving so that you have clear working space on a small computer desk, the ideal fit for the corner.

A study nook

Another trend that we think works well is the study nook, a bijou space that is a bespoke adaption to your home. If you don’t mind being shoe horned into a titchy space, this is the ideal solution but from the examples of study nooks we have seen so far, they look fairly sumptuous and grand.

Key to success is choosing the right home office furniture as much as it is about where to put your desk. But as a matter of interest, where do you have your desk?

Woman on Industrial Reclaimed Wood Desk

A stylish desk that will make you love your job

Oldman Reclaimed Wood Orange Desk and Black Chair

Oldman White Industrial Reclaimed Wood Desk

Your office, be it at a workplace or at home, should be a reflection of your personality, just as the rest of your home is.

You will no doubt spend just as much time sitting at your desk, creating and innovating, as you do enjoy family and social time, whether it’s a small office desk or a larger piece you choose. So why settle for the ordinary?

Before we begin…

Clearly, when choosing a desk there are several factors you will need to consider. Some desks for home are work platforms suited to some tasks, but not others. You will also need to bear in mind not only function but dimensions too.

If you need a big desk – go for it! – but if the room is small, it will simply swamp it, making moving around your workspace a little difficult.

With function and dimension in mind, take a look at these stylish desks…

Simple and Customisable

Do you thrive on a tidy desk? Do you covet minimalism and no clutter? If so, this fully customisable reclaimed wood desk is THE choice. Stick with the white legs or choose from 52 colours to create a fantastic piece of reclaimed wood furniture, unique to you and your office.

Dual Workspace

Oldman Steel-framed Reclaimed Wood Desk

Maybe you can spend time on a PC, followed by several hours poring over printed documents and the like.

This means you need a ‘dual action’ desk, and this L-shaped steel framed reclaimed wood desk is the ideal choice if you want a versatile working platform – a corner office desk you can truly spread out on. Still a lover of form, order and minimal clutter, this piece of reclaimed furniture will suit your love of the industrial look too.

A Lover of Detail

Barclay Reclaimed Wood Desk

Elegant. Graceful. But still, with plenty of versatility and practicality about it, the Barclay reclaimed wood desk is easy on the eye. Great for when your working area is on display to others, there is an understated simplicity about this writing desk that makes her a firm favourite with many of our customers.

With three drawers with three handles on each, she is still a practical addition to your office.

Minimal with Detail

The Trondheim desk is a piece of rustic furniture that has an appeal all of its own. Take note of the gently sloping curves, the slender beauty of the corner legs and the sheer delight of the wood beneath your fingertips.

The cube shelf on the wooden desk is an ideal space to store small items, keeping your working platform clutter free, the basis for unfettered creativity at your desk.

If you like minimalism, with a hint of the modern and a nod to the past, then this is the ideal office desk.

Loft Living Magic

There is something refreshing and youthful about the Urban desk. With it faded painted finish, the drawer space and the expanse of the desk opening to reveal a handy storage space for papers and documents, this desk is ideal for those of us that want to work clutter-free but somehow always seem to accumulate papers and the like…

Romantic Industrial

Black Iron Office Desk with Chair

This stunning black desk appeals to those with a heightened sense of creativity who enjoy the smooth touch of metal and the appeal of the industrial design. The Black Iron office desk is appealing in any workspace.

Make a Statement

Do you enjoy making a style statement? If you enjoy breaking away from the ‘norm’ and love beautiful things, then you will instantly understand the appeal of the Aviator desk… need we say more?

Aviator Wing Desk and armchair

Why allow your dog at the writing desk for Bring Your Dog to Work Day

bring your dog to office day - man working

Reclaimed wood desk with dog and cat - Modish Living

June 23rd is ‘Bring your Dog to Work Day’, a fantastic opportunity to introduce Fido to the office. Even if you work from home, having a dog loitering by your home desk bring many benefits alongside an ergonomic and stylish home office.

But if you think that taking your four-legged canine pal to work is just about being trendy, you need to know that there is evidence to suggest that pets in the work place make people happier and healthier.

So how do dogs take the edge off a stressful day at work?

1 They’re stress-reducing

Small white dog on brown sofa

Studies over the years have shown that humans interacting with animals reduce stress. By petting Whiskers the cat or walking Fido, the stress-reducing hormone oxytocin is produced which can cancel out the stress inducing effects of cortisol.

Frankly, spending just a few minutes in between tasks making a fuss of your pet is a great way to lift your mood too.

2 They increase productivity

The modern workplace, including the home office, can mean several hours a day of screen time.

You may be comfy in the best office chair at your modern desk, but health experts warn that breaks away from the screen and varying your physical position is important to maintain physical and emotional health.

A five to 10-minute break every 50 minutes of screen time is not a bad rule to follow, and is likely to be better for you than a 15-minute break every two hours.

With a puppy in the office, you could take a quick spin of the grounds to stretch their legs and your own too – the perfect working partner!

3 They improve bonding

Man with laptop and dog

A workplace can be a stressful place, fuelled by tension and unease. Working together with a unified spirit is essential for the culture of your workplace to be attractive to both customers, partners and, when you need it most, new talent to fill vacancies.

There are many thinks you can do to pull people together, from team building exercises to designing the office, complete with reclaimed wood desks and funky comfortable chairs.

But sometimes, you need something more – and that is where your pet dog comes in! There is nothing like a cute pet in the workplace to get people talking. Why not try it?

“What about health and safety?!”

There are of course, health and safety issues to bear in mind. So before you take Fido and hide him away under your contemporary desk at work, you need to consider the following;

  • Allergies – not everyone can tolerate pet fur, leading to sneezes, swollen eyes and other uncomfortable allergic reactions.
  • Fear – not everyone loves Fido. As hurtful as this may be, not everyone finds the eyes of your dog soppy or the dribbling cute. Some work colleagues could be scared witless of your daft puppy.
  • Dog-friendly amenities – it sounds great but, it may just not be feasible to have your dog running in and out of your small office desk and chair.

But with a few basic things taken care of, and agreement from colleagues, your dog could soon be enjoying your work too!

How to choose a bespoke children’s desk

Oldman Reclaimed Wood White Bespoke Desk

A small wooden desk is a common sight in homes across the country. A desk and chair is an important addition in a child’s bedroom, play space or anywhere in the home. But, how do you create a bespoke children’s desk that will last the test of time? And can you really find one that goes with your other industrial reclaimed furniture?

Reclaimed Wood Desk bespoke Oldman


You will have heard about ergonomics. Ergonomic design is about creating a space that flows and one that fits with those people that are using it.

Creating and choosing a bespoke children’s desk for your child is no different. In fact, in terms of ergonomics, it is vitally important you get it right for a child’s desk. Your child will grow, meaning that the desk that ‘fitted’ them perfectly last year could be too small for them now.


Children like to be involved in exciting projects, especially one that benefits them! A bespoke design for a child’s desk should be stylish and versatile, such as a reclaimed wood desk or one with a contemporary design.

Colour is important in your child’s development, so choosing the right colour is essential. Red for example, is associated with passion and strong feeling with yellow being the sunshine colour, and is ideal for use in a study space.

Green helps children to relax, and pink is known to lower heart rate. Purple is a popular, attention-grabbing colour, and orange has been known to enhance critical thinking skills.

Choose the colour of the study space, children’s desk and chair so that it enhances your child’s study experience.

The Correct Size

We have referred to ergonomics, the science that impacts on the flow of work in a space but size is everything.

When the desk and chair is the right size, it is comfortable to sit at. When a child is focussing on a creative or developmental task, having to constantly change position to get comfortable will intrude across their study and work.

Our team can help you determine the right height for your children’s desk, and match it with the right height chair too from our Oldman desk range.

Function, Function, Function

Remember, this is not an office desk, where the child will be shuffling paper and stapling – it is a platform on which they will create and study, play as well as work.

Storage is key in any children’s desk. Storage solutions need to be instantly accessible – too much effort means important things don’t get put away.

Accessible, simple storage solutions also help children to learn about keeping work areas tidy, essential if you want to innovate and create at a desk. An industrial reclaimed desk could have in-built cubed shelving and pen pots, for example.

Other Practical Considerations for children’s desks

  • Material – desk material needs to be robust and sturdy, and easy to keep clean. There are many materials that offer these qualities, as well as being uber-stylish, important for any child’s bedroom or teenage study space. Steel and wood desk designs go with almost any décor.
  • Position – a child’s desk should be bathed in light, therefore positioning it near or close to a window is a great position. If natural light is in short supply, focussed light, not too bright as to make the desk area ‘startling’ is a welcome addition.

There are many styles of children’s desk, from contemporary to the industrial furniture look. It is important to get the right desk that fits your child, as well as looking great in your home.

The myths and marvels of reclaimed wood

Luxe Kensington reclaimed wood dining table with glass
Luxe Kensington reclaimed wood dining table close up sleeper

Reclaimed wood has become increasingly popular in recent years, and it’s easy to see why. Here at Modish Living we supply some truly exquisite examples; we feel privileged to be working with such an exceptional material and we’re always happy to discuss the merits of reclaimed furniture.

There are a few well-held myths about reclaimed wood, and we feel it’s important to refute many of them, but first it may be useful to clarify the meaning of reclaimed wood in the furniture industry. If you’re buying a reclaimed wood dining table, for example, you’re not buying an original dining table that has simply been restored. Instead, you’re purchasing a brand new piece that’s using reclaimed wood that has then been turned into your table.

Myth number one: Furniture using reclaimed wood is more expensive

This isn’t necessarily true at all, and in fact some pieces may be cheaper. Reclaimed wood contemporary furniture can take a great deal of work, because the wood has to be de-nailed, cleaned and specially treated, so it’s not an easy process. The overall cost of many items, such as a reclaimed wood desk, may be cheaper than you would think.

Myth number two: Reclaimed wood is dirty

All our reclaimed contemporary furniture pieces are thoroughly cleaned by our craftsmen using tried and trusted techniques, and only after they have been deemed suitable does the major work begin. Reclaimed wood is often taken from old houses, so the environment may not be clean, but once the wood has been treated it is more than usable.

Myth number three: Reclaimed wood is not pretty

One look through our website will convince anyone of the sheer beauty of our reclaimed wood items, including our superb choice of living room furniture pieces. The wood that’s been used has a story to tell, and each piece has its own unique character. It may not feature the clean lines and sterile feel of brand new wood, but of course it’s not supposed to. Reclaimed wood is, in our opinion, utterly beautiful.

Myth number four: Reclaimed wood doesn’t need maintenance

Clearly this isn’t true at all. Every item of wooden furniture, including brand new wooden pieces, needs to be maintained. Wood, by its very nature, is strong, robust and can last for a lifetime and beyond, but only if it’s well looked after. Our rustic furniture will always look impressive if it’s maintained properly. If you purchase an English beam table, for example, from Modish Living you will receive information about proper care for the wood.

Myth number five: Reclaimed wood is poor quality

Our craftsmen select only top quality wood before creating heavenly pieces of furniture. Reclaimed wood is more dense than new wood because it has been allowed to grow naturally, and of course using reclaimed wood is better for the environment. It’s solid, dependable and extremely attractive.

Myth number six: Reclaimed wood makes a room look old

Reclaimed wood can be used to create many different styles, so it depends on how it is used. We supply many examples of iconic industrial furniture, for example, which use reclaimed wood to showcase modern styling. Of course, other themes such as rustic and contemporary can be created using reclaimed wood, so it’s worth remembering that it can be used to make rooms look old or new.

How to make a shared office space design work

Oldman industrial reclaimed wood bespoke desks for home

Oldman Reclaimed Wood Bespoke Desks with Bespoke paint

Since the pandemic, a shared home office space with our partner, friends or flatmates was a thing many of us had to get used to. Couples, friends or flatmates who work together from home may face the occasional extra stress or strain on their relationship or friendship at times, but it also provides an opportunity to become more synchronised and harmonious. Usually, the key to successful co-working lies in the working environment itself, so creating the perfect shared office space design is of paramount importance.

There are key questions to be asked from the earliest stage, such as whether to face each other, whether to be back to back or side by side. There’s also how best to come to an agreement on the optimum working temperature, together with how to put up with their choice of music! Here at Modish Living, we have a range of exquisite home office furniture that can make your home office design the perfect spot for productivity.

Reclaimed wood furniture lends itself perfectly to a shared office space design, and the beautiful Standford Industrial Reclaimed Wooden Desk is always a good choice. This good-looking piece is ideal for both large and small rooms and with two handy drawers, it offers essential storage. A couple of these reclaimed wood desks will be perfect for working couples, especially when paired with the extra comfy and chic Standford Faux Leather Office Chair in either grey or brown. Home office furniture can look wonderful and feel practical at the same time, after all.

Take a well-earned break and relax

Office design usually includes rest areas or break-out zones these days, and your shared office space design in the home can do just the same. Unwinding in style on the sumptuous Triumph Cerato Brown Leather Armchair is a must at times, in part because a leather armchair will help you regain your energy. When accompanied by either the Spitfire Cerato Brown Leather Footstool or the luxurious Leather Storage Footstool, you can relax like never before.

Whether you choose a rustic wood desk or an ultra-modern contemporary desk, you will want to think about the rest of the home office design. Storage can be a major issue, because the last thing you want is to face a mountain of clutter every morning, especially when there is two of you and double the clutter. Thankfully, beautiful solutions can be found, such as the elegant Chelwood Reclaimed Wood Tall Bookcase, a must for those who want to remain organised.

Beautiful artwork has the power to inspire in any office environment, whether that’s at home or at work. No matter if your choice is quirky or more serious it should be something that you both enjoy to look at.

Once your shared office space design is complete, be sure to reward yourself with a break in the rest area. Settle back on your comfy armchair with a satisfied smile on your face, a cup of coffee and a wonderful sense of achievement in the air. Your home office design may just end up becoming your favourite room in the whole house.

Reception Room Ideas – Revamp Time!

Kensal Round Marble Coffee Table for reception area

For any business, front-of-house is critical in creating an impression of your business that is favourable. For hostels and other hospitality businesses, the reception area is the first step people take into your business and we’ve got lots of reception room ideas to make sure your customers are excited to be with you.

Waiting Room Chairs & Seating

The reception area is when customers sign in and may need to sit to wait. With this in mind, your waiting room chairs & seating becomes so important. Leather Sofas and chairs are a popular and practical choice, you may also decide to invest in some small tables to complete the look. However, if your business is more industrial or perhaps more modern, a more urban seating area may be appropriate so keep it in mind the branding of your business when choosing office reception furniture.

Caesar Brown Leather 2 Seater Chesterfield Sofa for receptionReception Area Furniture

For people who are waiting or for patrons who want to relax, sofas and armchairs are essential.

Consider an arrangement of two-seater sofas interspersed with statement piece armchairs. The classic sofa shape, complete with sumptuous cushions are inviting at the end of a long journey for most people. Choose fabrics wisely so that they can withstand more frequent use. A leather sofa works well, as does treated upholstered luxury sofas.

Chesterfield brown leather armchair for reception

Shop Chester Club Leather Armchair

Team with furniture that supports the waiting area, again choosing material carefully. Wooden furniture adds warmth, whilst metal framed furniture can add a sense of the contemporary to a space. For the most perfect reception furniture collection, add an oak and concrete contemporary coffee table or go for sublime marble with this Kensal Circular Coffee Table.

Kensal Circular Marble Coffee Table in reception

Atmosphere = Lighting and Décor

The reception area should be light and airy, neutral in tone but not devoid of warmth nor welcome. There must be splashes of colour – fresh flowers add colour, and scent too – and the use of glass is fantastic for reflecting light, ambient and natural, around the space.

A glossy floor also creates an appealing feature to the room. It is streamlined and contemporary, but not devoid of character. Scatter cushions and the drapes add texture and form too.

With these reception room ideas, done right the impression of the space is nothing short of wow – exactly what you’re hoping to impress upon your visitors.

5 ideas for the under stairs space

Bar table for under stairs space

In many homes, there is one part of it that is often forgotten about and under-utilised – the under the stairs space can be surprisingly large but awkward in shape to fit anything of real use there. This makes using it an awkward space to use, as well as style. However, with our under the stairs ideas, you could create a whole new space, perfect for all the family.

Create a Bar Area

If you entertain or just enjoy kicking back with a cocktail in hand, having a dedicated space to mix your drinks sounds almost too good to be true. Under the stairs space is the perfect spot. No matter how big or small the space is, it will easily accommodate a bar like this Standford Industrial Reclaimed Wood Bar Table – and finished with a couple of stylish bar stools or an industrial bench to perch on.

Create a Home Office

Working from home is increasing in popularity but space can be pressing in a busy house. An under the stairs office can be the ideal, distraction-free working space.

But don’t think this means working in a small, badly-lit ‘hole’. Our Office Desks offer the ideal solution. Made to measure and with a choice of finishes and options, you can create a stylish under the stairs work area, with everything that you need.

Create an Art Gallery and/or Relaxation Space

Fantastic wall art is not just for the hallway or the lounge. Sometimes, finding a quiet spot to meditate or to contemplate the bigger picture can be tough in a busy house. Creating your own ‘relaxing space’ using the space under the stairs is the obvious solution.

Dark Ram Canvas Art

Contemporary art is, we think, simply beautiful, packed with colour and detail. For a quirky but not completely off-the-wall style, add different shapes and sizes of clocks that will add detail and depth without the drama.

Storage Heaven

If there is one thing that the modern home could do with more of, it is storage space.

With so many things needed to hand every day, finding the right storage solution seems to keep slipping through our fingers. Quite often, the issue is not just lack of space but solutions that allow us to store and access our things quickly and easily. And this is where our reclaimed wood storage chest comes in to its own. Beautifully and lovingly crafted from reclaimed wood, the dents, scratches and scuffs are all part of its unique story and history.

Shop Reclaimed Wooden Blanket Box

Thoroughly waxed by hand to give an even finish, this reclaimed wooden storage chest is versatile, fitting with most interior design scheme in your home but perfect, we think, for being an under the stairs storage gem.

The Reading Room

Reading is an activity many of us use to shut down the hubbub of the day, slowing our whirling minds from the reality of everyday life and transporting us to a land of infinite possibilities.

But again, with the TV on, people tap-tapping on tablets and smart phones, finding a space that is truly relaxing and perfect for reading the latest best seller is not always possible.

So how about squeezing in this Oswald 2 Seater Sofa Vintage Brown Leather under the stairs? Add a not-too-bright reading floor lamp and while away the hours with your favourite novelist and a chilled glass of wine.

How will you create your haven under the stairs?